Home/ School- week beginning 24/06/202427 June 2024 (by Brier Ambler-Danyluk (Brier Ambler-Danyluk)) |
School Learning
Week beginning: 24/06/2024
This week we have continued to work on composing captions and short sentences to match a picture. our main focus being to apply all our phonics, high 5 sentences and letter formation learning to the best of our ability as we begin to think about Year One. In maths, we have been learning to share odd and even numbers and finding out that some numbers cannot be shared equally. We also explored doubling numbers by picking a numeral and saying which numbers needed to be doubled to make the chosen numeral. In topic, we really enjoyed looking at old pictures of our school and learning some interesting facts about how it has changed over time. We had to look for clues to say how we know if it is an old picture. We went on to explore our local area and how it has changed. Did you know that Manor Heath wasn't always a park, it was a huge mansion!
Year 1:
In Maths we have been investigating coins. We have thought about the size, shape and worth of the different coins currently in circulation and have started thinking about the value of coins. Neil Armstrong has been the focus of our English work this week. We have learnt about the Moon Landing and have written a newspaper report about it, making sure we include all the key information. In Geography, we have been identifying human and physical features. We also wrote a postcard about London. We have been reflecting on our trip to St Annes and making comparisons between Halifax and the seaside town. In computing, we have been adding pictures and animations to an e-book.
Year 2:
This week, we have been looking at capacity and volume, looking closely at millilitres and litres. In Literacy, we have been finishing our own version of the story Hodgeheg. Our Geography lessons have been very exciting looking at the village of Mugurameno. We have compared their lifestyle, their houses and their village to ours. We even made out own mud huts which is what the people of Mugurameno live in!
Year 3:
In English, we have enjoyed designing our own traps to catch the Iron Man and have written instructions of how to make the trap. We have used clear simple language, in chronological order, and included different imperative verbs and time connectives. We have completed our maths unit on money by applying what we know in problem solving tasks. We have been finding the amount of change given using a range of methods, including number lines and part whole models. We have continued our research work in geography exploring the similarities and differences between the U.K and Brazil. We looked at where they are located in the world, at the population, capital city, official language, currency, main religion, landmarks and different human and physical features. We have explored what a daily life is like in Rio de Janeiro, exploring photographs to find out more information.
Year 4:
In English, we have been focusing on our understanding of paragraphs, headings and subheadings and really embedding our knowledge of how to use the, correctly. We have then used this to help us write a balanced argument all about zoos. Should we have them or not? In maths, we have been looking at statistics. We have explored interpreting different types of charts, then looking at comparison, sum and the difference within data. Lastly, we have interpreted line graphs and then drawn our own line graphs. In geography, we have begun to explore the Amazon rainforest, locating it on a map and beginning to understand how rainforests are formed and their importance.
Year 5:
In Class 5 we planned and wrote a mystery story based on a Harris Burdick drawing, ensuring to include a red herring to keep the reader guessing. We continued to learn about converting units of measurement, including millimetres & millilitres, and between imperial and metric units. We completed our geography unit of work by investigating map symbols (including contours and scales), compass points and grid references to six digits.
Year 6:
Year 6 have had a fantastic time on residential at Kepplewray in the Lake District this week, engaging in exciting adventurous activities, developing teamwork and leadership skills, pushing themselves outside of their comfort zones and developing independence.