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Home/ School- week beginning 03/06/2024

7 June 2024 (by Brier Ambler-Danyluk (Brier Ambler-Danyluk))

School Learning
Week beginning: 03/06/2024
This week we have shared Journey by Aaron Becker - this is a wordless book but a great way to inspire our imaginations and creativity! We focussed on writing a short sentence for one of the pictures, ensuring correct letter formation. In maths, we have been learning about rotating and manipulating 2D shapes to create pictures and models - we realised that creating tangram pictures involves lots of problem-solving skills. In topic we started our new unit, ‘A Travelling Tale’, by looking at different kinds of maps and what they tell us. We walked around the school and took photos of the rooms we walked past.
Year 1:
We have been working hard completing assessments in Reading and Maths. We have also been revising sounds for our upcoming Phonics Screening. We have started a unit of work in English based on the book ‘Man on the Moon’. We have learnt about using question marks and exclamation marks in our writing. In Maths, we have been working on deepening our understanding of numbers between 50 and 100. In Science, we have been naming and identifying a variety of common animals and we have been thinking about whether they are carnivores, herbivores or omnivores.
Year 2:
We have been looking closely at unit and non-unit fractions, as well as recognising three quarters. During our science lessons, we have been looking at the different life processes using MRS GREN to decide whether something is living, dead or never alive. We also looked at food chains focussing on producer, consumer and predator. In Literacy, we have been reading Hodgeheg and creating our very own road safety leaflet.
Year 3:
We have enjoyed a practical week, getting 'hands on' in maths and science. In our new Money topic in maths, we explored making different combinations of coins that equalled the same amount and explored converting pounds and pence. In science we started our new ‘Forces’ unit of work, carrying out two experiments. First, we explored how the surface of a material affected the distance a car travelled, thinking about friction and how it differed in different materials. We also started to explore magnetism; we had fun testing a range of materials to see if they were magnetic. In English, we made predictions about our new story, 'Iron Man.’ We explored the descriptive language and similes in the text to draw our own picture of the Iron Man. We created our own poem using similes to compare the appearance of the Iron Man to other things.
Year 4:
In English, we have been continuing to explore, The lost Happy Endings. We looked at direct speech within the story and analysed it. We then worked on improving the direct speech by adding stronger reporting clauses. We finished with exploring some well-known fairy tales and thought about endings that would be unhappy rather than a happy ending. Then, we chose our favourite fairy tale and unhappy ending and rewrote the ending of the story. In maths, we moved onto our unit of shape. We have been exploring angle sizes, comparing and ordering them. In DT, the children have really enjoyed designing and making their own torches. We used pringles tubes and boxes to create our torch structures and then added different types of switches and reflectors for our bulbs.
Year 5:
In Class 5, we started to read mystery stories in English. We read a selection of stories from Short! by Kevin Crossley-Holland, identifying the genre features and discussing them in detail. We learnt about negative numbers in Maths, discussing where they might be found in everyday life. We compared, ordered and found the difference in positive and negative numbers, clarifying the fact that although 4 is greater than 2, -4 is less than -2 as it is further from zero. We learnt about the human life cycle and stages of human development in science, identifying some of the key features of infancy, adolescence and adulthood.
Year 6:
In English, the children have explored the character, setting and plot features of a short film, ‘Francis’, before using descriptive language and informal language features to create a journal written by the main character. In Maths, we have used our understanding of shape and construction skills to explore and create a range of geometric artwork. On Thursday, we revisited our World War II topic from earlier in the year by discussing and watching a programme about D-Day to mark the 80th anniversary of this turning point in the war. We started our Geography unit on ‘Trade’ by exploring which products are imported to and exported from the UK to different countries around the world.