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Home/ School- week beginning 13/05/2024

17 May 2024 (by Brier Ambler-Danyluk (Brier Ambler-Danyluk))

School Learning

Week beginning: 13/05/2024


This week we have continued looking at non fiction books to find out information about Dinosaurs. In Literacy, we used the information to write a fact file about our favourite dinosaur. In maths, we have been learning addition and subtraction using ‘first, then and now…’ stories. Children had to think about how many had been added or taken away encouraging children to do some problem solving. This week we started our dinosaur’s topic after a sneaky visit from one! We discovered a dinosaur skull and found out that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, and they are now extinct. We have been learning about what dinosaurs ate and the different types of dinosaurs that existed all those years ago.

Year 1:

We have been doing some very important work as part of our PSHE lessons this week. We have been talking about the emergency services and have role played what we should do in an emergency, including making a call to 999. In Maths we have been learning about position and direction. We have talked about identifying left and right. We have also talked about different turns – quarter turn, half turn etc. In English this week, we have been developing our editing skills. The children have identified mistakes in sentences that they have been given (missing capital letters and full stops) and have corrected them to make them High 5 sentences. We then went on to think about the features of poems.

Year 2:

In Year 2, we have been looking at our Frida Kahlo in literacy. We have been writing a biography about the Mexican artist, explaining to the readers when and where she was born, why she was famous and the story of her life. Throughout our history topic, we have been looking at the Piece Hall and this week, we all thought of different ideas to think about what we could use the space for. The children thought of lots of different ideas from the zoo to a school. In maths, we have looked at quarters and thirds, also looking at how ½ is more than 1/3 and 1/4. During our music lessons, we have been playing the notes b, a, g on the recorder! Children are really good now at playing the song 'Eye of the tiger'.

Year 3:

We have started our new English topic on Brochures and have enjoyed exploring different leaflets and the features of them. We worked in pairs to use a dictionary to find out the definition of leaflet features and started to think about persuasive language and how it's used. We have been problem solving in maths finding fractions of different amounts by dividing by the denominator and multiplying by the numerator. We started our new 'Textiles' DT topic and practised a running stitch, back-stitch and whip stitch before designing our own pencil case. We're excited to start making them from felt next week. We also improvised on the recorders using notes F, G and A which we are now becoming confident with. 

Year 4:

In English this week, we have continued to explore, The Firework Maker’s daughter, focusing on writing newspaper articles. We explored the 5w’s (Who?, What?, When? Where? and Why?) and planned our quotes that we will include within our newspaper. We then used the 5w’s to help us write our newspaper introductions. In maths, we have finished exploring money. We looked at converting between pounds and pence, comparing amounts of money, estimating with money and solving problems. We have also finished our history topic on the Roman army. We explored the tactics the Roman Army used when fighting and summarised why the Roman army was so good at fighting.

Year 5:

In Class 5, we learnt about biographies in English, using a Roald Dahl biography to answer reading comprehension questions and identify the genre features. We read Mayfly Day by Jeanne Willis and completed a biography on the short, but eventful, life of Mayfly. In Maths, we continued to learn how to add and subtract decimals, adopting efficient mental methods and calculating with a different number of decimal places. In PE we used a chipper and learnt when it might be used on a golf course. We practised the correct grip and posture when addressing the ball and took practise swings to improve accuracy when ‘brushing the floor’ with our strokes.

Year 6:

Well done to all the children in Class 6 for working so hard and behaving so maturely during their Key Stage 2 SATs this week. You have really done yourselves proud!