Home/ School- week beginning 06/05/202410 May 2024 (by Brier Ambler-Danyluk (Brier Ambler-Danyluk)) |
School Learning
Week beginning: 06/05/2024
This week started with a super trip to Hesketh Farm, we loved every minute of our visit - we had so much to do! First, we enjoyed a tractor ride with Farmer Chris, then we went on a Paddock Walk feeding the goats and horses. Just like us, the lambs were getting very hungry - we mixed some milk powder and filled lots of milk bottles for them. After lunch we enjoyed some time out in the sun on the play equipment. We collected eggs from the hens, held some chicks and enjoyed some cuddles with the guinea pigs before setting off home. In Literacy, we have been learning about non-fiction books, then we wrote a recount of our trip. In maths, we have continued learning numbers to 20 and beyond, counting on and back from different starting points. In topic, we have been learning about where food comes from on the farm.
Year 1:
In Computing, we have been using ‘2 Go’ on Purple Mash to write algorithms to make items move around a range of maps. We have enjoyed singing ‘Getting Dressed’ and adding a musical accompaniment to the song using the glockenspiels. Our afternoon focus has been Art. We have been using magnifying glasses to help us to add detail when drawing. In English, we have used the book ‘Cops and Robbers’. We have sequenced the story and then written our own endings. Fractions have been the focus of our Maths work this week. We have been learning about halves and quarters.
Year 2:
This week in Year 2, we had an amazing time visiting the Piece Hall, where the children went back in time to 1779 when it was first built. We learnt all about the selling of cloth and looked at the differences between then and now. In maths, we have been exploring fractions further, working hard to recognise and find a half. We have also written our own verse for the Quangle Wangle’s hat using similes to describe our own character.
Year 3:
We have been writing our own newspaper article about the discovery of the Yetis footprints, including quotes from people interviewed. We have been learning a song about how to use speech marks in our writing which has been uploaded onto Facebook for you to see. We have been taking part in practical maths lessons, working out non-unit fractions of whole numbers using bar models and 10's and 1's counters. We started our new DT topic this week, investigating a range of textile products and learning about William Morris and the significance of him in the textile industry. In RE the children have been looking at different parables from the Bible and what the meaning of these are.
Year 5:
In Class 5 we learnt about decimals in Maths, including how to use our knowledge of number bonds to 100 to add and subtract decimals using mental methods. We started to write our continuation of Beowulf’s journey in the style of the author, Michael Morpurgo. We closely followed the text, making notes of powerful alliterations, verbs and phrases to include in our version. We learnt about healthy and balanced diets and Fairtrade in DT. We completed a sensory evaluation on a variety of existing biscuits, considering appearance, taste, texture and smell. Our research will help inform which ingredients we will use when designing and baking our own cookie next week.
Year 6:
This week the children have been working hard in preparation for their SAT examinations, revising many areas of the Maths and English curricula as well as working through papers from previous years. In addition to our revision, we have also maintained our broad and balanced curriculum, with the children commencing their new DT topic on mechanical devices by learning about different types of motion (rotary, linear, reciprocating and oscillating) and developing practical skills by making a cam-and-lever mechanism. In P.E. we continued to work on over-arm bowling skills and played kwik cricket matches while in RE we learned about baptism and confirmation ceremonies in Christianity.