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Home/ School- week beginning 29/04/24

3 May 2024 (by Brier Ambler-Danyluk (Brier Ambler-Danyluk))

School Learning
Week beginning: 29/04/2024
This week we have been reading Farmer Duck by Martin Waddell. We have been working in pairs to discuss questions about the story to demonstrate our understanding. We had to listen carefully to understand how the duck felt, how we can describe the farmer and so on. In Maths, we have been learning about numbers to 20. We discovered that numbers from 11-19 were made up of a ten and a 1, 2, 3 etc. We even looked at 20s - they have two tens. Some of us found it quite tricky to represent numbers to 20 but we had a go! In topic, we have been learning names of farm animals, where they live and their babies - we have loved learning about the farm so far. We were very lucky to get a surprise visit from the Fire Service who spoke to us about the jobs they do to help people. They showed us different equipment on the fire engine, we even got a chance to spray the water!
Year 1:
In English we have been thinking about how adding adjectives to our sentences can make them more interesting. We have been reading Burglar Bill and have used what we have learnt about adjectives to create a wanted poster. In Maths, we have been learning about fractions with a focus on half. We used modelling clay to make a model which we then cut in half. This helped us to understand the need for equal halves to make a whole. We have continued our History topic on Mary Anning by investigating fossils and then we made comparisons between Mary Anning and Grace O’Malley.
Year 2:
We have been very busy making our wheeled products, we then had to evaluate them and discuss what we liked about them and what we would do differently next time! In literacy, we have been looking at the poem, The Quangle Wangle's Hat which we have loved! We have made predictions, explored different vocabulary and discussed our feelings about the poem. We have also moved on to our new topic in maths, fractions!
Year 3:
This week we have been exploring facts and opinions and writing a plan for our own newspaper article. We have continued reading our class text, 'The Abominables', and can't wait to find out what happens to the Yeti's next. We have enjoyed our new maths unit adding and subtracting fractions. We have also been partitioning the whole using bar models. We have continued our history work exploring how the lives of the Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs compared to the lives of slaves at that time.
Year 4:
We have had a fun filled week in Year 4! We thoroughly enjoyed our trip to Eureka on Wednesday. We explored the human body including the digestive system, teeth and the different senses within our body. We enjoyed a sound workshop which was all about how we hear sound and how sound travels in different ways. This helped to prepare us for our science unit next half term.
Year 5:
We continued to read Beowulf as a class, answering reading comprehension questions to deepen our understanding of events within the text. We studied the Sea-Hag (Grendel’s mother) in detail, using descriptions of her in the text to explain what the author’s intent was. In Maths, we learnt about translations and symmetry (with and without coordinates). We used our knowledge of shape to help answer reasoning and problem-solving questions. We also learnt about how the Industrial Revolution impacted Halifax, how canals and railways accelerated industrial growth and how crime and punishment has changed.
Year 6:
In Maths, we have been learning to solve problems using co-ordinates as well as developing our understanding of how to reflect and translate shapes in four quadrants. In English, we have been exploring the features of online reviews, considering the balance between formal and informal language features, before planning and writing our own negative reviews of ‘Shady Oaks’. In History, we have continued our unit on Early Islamic Civilisation by learning about the importance of the silk road in developing trade, the significance of the first four caliphs, and the reasons for the rapid expansion of the Islamic Empire. In French, the children have been learning to describe the maximum and average temperatures on weather maps.