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Home/ School- week beginning 08/04/2024

12 April 2024 (by Brier Ambler-Danyluk (Brier Ambler-Danyluk))


School Learning

Week beginning: 08/04/2024


This week we have been reading The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. In Literacy, we have been using our phonic knowledge and high 5 sentence criteria to write about the foods the caterpillar ate. In maths, we have been learning to double numbers to 10, we found that doubling means that there are twice as many.  We represented doubling by making symmetrical butterfly paintings and folding them in half to double the dots on the other side. In topic, we began the week by learning about the importance of Eid for Muslims, we created henna patterns and shared our celebrations with the rest of the class.

Year 1:

Our Maths work has been based on counting in 2s, 10s and 5s. We have used concrete equipment to help us to represent our counting and have been using songs to help us to remember patterns. Recount has been the focus of our English work, writing about our Easter Holiday adventures. We have also been working on becoming more independent writers across the curriculum with the introduction of our English boxes. The children will be able to tell you all about these! On Monday we had an assembly about Eid and in class we then talked about the end of Ramadan and some of the children talked about how Eid is celebrated in their houses. We enjoyed learning about this and hope that the children celebrating Eid have had a lovely time with their families.

Year 2:

In Year 2, we listened to the audio of Baboon on the Moon, where the children had to imagine what was happening in the story from the sounds they heard, making accurate and sensible predictions. The children then wrote a recount of what had happened and have used their inference skills to think deeper about why the Baboon may have been sad and discussed how we knew this. We have been lucky to have bike ability lessons, where the children got to practise riding bikes without stabilisers and riding standing up too! In science, we have loved looking at habitats and different ways animals have adapted to survive in their habitat such as polar bears having black skin under their fur to help them camouflage.

Year 3:

We have been enjoying our new text, ‘Invisible’ by Tom Percival, exploring speech bubbles to write character’s feelings and perspectives. In maths we have continued our work on mass and capacity, including addition and subtraction. We have started our new Light and Dark unit in science, exploring how light is reflected from different surfaces. We ordered materials from the most to the least reflective. In RE, we have looked at why the Bible is important to Christians and explored the 10 Commandments which generated some interesting discussions.

Year 4:

Class 4 have had a busy start back to the summer term. In English, we have written up our own fables based around Aesop. The children had to come up with a moral for their fable and then base their stories around it. We then moved on decimals looking at tenths as fractions and decimals. We began our science topic of electricity. We looked at appliances that use electricity and what form of electricity they use such as mains plugs or batteries. Then we looked at constructing simple electric circuits and named the different parts of the circuit.  

Year 5:

In Class 5 we learnt about tables and interpreting data in Maths. We used lines graphs, two way tables and timetables to answer a combination of fluency and reasoning and problem solving questions. In English, we started our poetry unit on the Titanic. We revisited poetic techniques, wrote a word class (adjective, noun, verb) sea poem and practised how to evoke feelings in the reader through use of imagery. We dissected a geranium in Science, learnt about how flowers and plants reproduce and investigated which method of propagation is best at growing plants.

Year 6:

In English, after learning about the subjunctive form, children explored the features of formal persuasive letters; they then planned and wrote their own formal persuasive letters based on the film ‘Up’. In Maths, we have learnt to draw pie charts using protractors before solving problems using the ‘mean’ and then revising angle rules for missing angles on a straight line and around a point. In Science, we have learnt about how the circulatory system and heart work, explored the components of blood, and investigated the effect of exercise on our heart rate. In RE the children learnt about the Jewish rite of passage Bar Mitzvah, while in French we started our new unit on weather by learning some key topic vocabulary.