Home/ School Learning- Week beginning 11/03/202415 March 2024 (by Brier Ambler-Danyluk (Brier Ambler-Danyluk)) |
This week we have been reading The Three Little Pigs. We have been writing speech bubbles for the different characters with a focus on handwriting, ensuring that we are always trying our best to use the correct letter formation. In maths we have been learning 1 more and 1 less, using STEM sentences like ‘5 is 1 more than 4’, ‘1 more than 4 is 5’ and vice versa. In topic we have completed our plants topic by planting our own sunflowers and learning about different parts of the plant and the important jobs that they do.
Year 1:
We have been very busy completing assessments in Year 1 this week. This has been a great opportunity for the children to show how much progress they have made since September. On Tuesday we had an RE and PSHCE day. In PSHCE we had a focus on money. We talked about keeping money safe and ways in which we can look after our money. Our RE work focussed on the Easter Story. We drew the sequence of events. We all attended a special assembly this week about Ramadan. Mrs Akhtar talked to us about why Ramadan was observed by people of Islamic faith and what Muslims did throughout the Month of Ramadan. We talked about supporting friends and family who may be fasting. We have also started our Geography topic which is about comparing different localities in Halifax.
Year 2:
In Year 2, we had an interesting assembly with Mrs Akhtar about Ramadan, which told us all about fasting in the run up to Eid. We recapped our learning looking at the seven continents, five oceans and the four countries of the United Kingdom before moving onto our new topic which explores landmarks and using maps. The children have also worked really hard to write their own fantastic version of George's Marvellous Medicine.
Year 3:
We have had a busy week completing assessments alongside rehearsing for our ‘Plastic Pirates’ show. We are so excited for you to see it next week! We started our new geography topic learning about earthquakes. We enjoyed finding out how earthquakes occur and explored a world map to find places where major earthquakes have occurred over the years. We have been learning about prefixes in English and enjoyed the PowerPoints and activities from our new Superhero Spelling program. In PSHE we have been learning about different community helpers and the roles that they play, drawing on our own experiences.
Year 4:
This week we have been really getting into the ‘pirate feeling’ by practising our production wearing our costumes! In English, we have continued to explore Aesop’s fables and practising punctuation associated with direct speech. In maths, we have been adding fractions to mixed numbers and we also finished our science unit, exploring classification keys and then exploring environmental impact by nature and humans on livings things.
Year 5:
This week we completed assessments to gauge our understanding of learning and identify any areas we need to revisit. In Computing we looked at altering a 3D net to design packaging for a product using the features within 2Design and Make in Purple Mash. We completed our learning in science by investigating which materials rust, and what conditions are needed for rust to occur.
Year 6:
In English, we have been developing our understanding of figurative language (similes, personification and metaphor) and identified these language features within example texts; we have then been exploring the fictional planet of ‘Pandora’ and used figurative language to describe features of the planet. In Maths, we have learnt to interpret and draw line graphs and dual bar charts. In Geography, we have started our ‘rivers’ unit and have explored the key rivers of the UK, learnt about different features in the upper, middle and lower course of rivers, and explained how erosion and deposition cause rivers to meander. Half of the class have enjoyed participating in Level 1 and Level 2 bikeability this week and have developed their understanding of road safety; the other half of the class will have their opportunity to participate after Easter.